Quality and Environmental Policy
By ensuring the highest level of customer satisfaction, prioritizing continuous improvement, working in accordance with legal regulations and technical specifications, completing the work we undertake on time, organizing training and awareness-raising activities regarding quality and environment within and outside the company for the continuous development of our employees, ensuring full participation of all employees in the management. To ensure participation, to continuously improve our quality and environmental management system, to be ahead of our competitors in the sector, to minimize internal and external factors that affect environmental pollution, to use resources effectively and rationally, to apply recycling technology, to support such activities, to comply with existing laws. It is our company's quality and environmental policy to adopt the quality and environmental management system and fulfill the requirements in order to systematically and regularly ensure environmental awareness in all fields of activity by fulfilling the obligations arising from it.
Information Security Policy
Our company provides services in the field of "INDUSTRIAL QUALITY CONTROL MEASURING DEVICES AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES MEASURING AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT AND CONSUMABLES INSTALLATION SERVICES". Our company is committed to protecting confidentiality, integrity and all physical and electronic information assets. Information and information security requirements will be in line with our corporate goals. Our company's management will employ well-educated, competent personnel who are open to change, and will provide financing and sufficient equipment and infrastructure to compete with our competitors in the sector. This infrastructure and personnel will be provided along with the necessary financing. Business continuity and emergency plans, data backup procedures, avoiding viruses and hackers, access control systems and information security breach notification will form the cornerstones of our core activities. Vulnerabilities and threats identified as a result of risk assessments will be eliminated and secure access to the information of our customers and staff will be provided.
In addition, as a result of risk assessments, we will determine our goals and provide the necessary resources and conditions to achieve these goals.
In order to realize this policy, we expect our employees to adopt the Information Security Management System conditions as a way of working. It will be ensured that all personnel and certain third parties receive appropriate training regarding the Information Security Management System.
Applicable conditions regarding information security and the opportunities and requirements brought by these conditions will be fulfilled and these conditions will be constantly improved. In addition, our company, our staff and all relevant parties will be adapted to this system.
Our Information Security Policy is reviewed and updated with the participation of management and unit managers once a year or in case of significant changes regarding our company, to ensure its suitability, accuracy and effectiveness.
LASS Technology is an innovative metrology company located in Ankara Aerospace Industrial Zone. We are supplying the best metrology solutions from the most respected brands in industry. We provide different technologies and solutions to meet our customers needs. We offer engineering services for portable metrology, machine vision and laser scanning automation systems. Our strength is to design and develop customer specific in-line/off-line measurement systems, machine vision and automation solutions.
Our expert engineering team work with the best solutions; high performance portable metrology equipments, machine vision and non-contact measurement automation solutions. We work as a solution partner and niche technology provider for our world-wide customers.